Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to bring the SADS community together during some uncertain times.

We’ve started SADS live streaming on Facebook then expanded to Twitter and YouTube every Friday straight to your home and answering your SADS-related questions. Dr. Michael Ackerman and his guests have provided expert answers to questions about life with SADS conditions – from meeting medical experts, researchers, and community members, and asking questions about your cardiac condition.

As things slowly return to normal, we’re planning to bring you SADS Live twice a month now (rather than every Friday).

Below are a few of our favorite episodes. To see the full list of episodes, check out SADS Youtube Channel,  join us on facebook @SuddenArrhythmiaDeathSyndromesFoundation or follow us on Twitter.

Check out the SADS Youtube Channel for more live streaming videos

Join us on Facebook for additional videos & content

Follow us on Twitter to stay updated with SADS Live